Monday, October 18, 2010

Crafted Time

Europeans are looking for different things than Americans when visiting other places. For example, Europeans are searching for wide-open, natural spaces. Most European tour sites that I encountered touted the National Parks system in the United States For example, parks and natural spaces such as the Grand Canyon.
On the other hand, when Americans are looking for a European experience, they search for age. Most tours of Europe that I came across that catered to Americans emphasized sites that have a long history behind them. These include such sites as the Eiffel Tower in France, and Stonehenge in England
I believe the American focus on European age stems from the fact that The United States is only a little over two hundred years old. Americans are likely interested in the fact there is a history that goes deeper than the two centuries of American history.

The opposite is likely true of tourist sites in America that appeals to Europeans. The newness and vast expanse is what attracts Europeans. Similarly to what attracts Americans to Europe, space and newness is something that is extremely rare in what is called the Old World, after all.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, you also find only what you are looking for. So Europeans tend not to be interested in, say the Cahokia Mounds or even colonial Philadelphia, while Americans don't go searching for the modern architecture in Paris or Rome.
